We are so glad that you have taken an interest in our church!
We aim to be a Christ centred, Bible based, caring community who are enthusiastic in the opportunity we have to learn more about God and share the good news of Jesus with others… it’s as simple as that!
Much more could be said, but in essence we want to help people discover for themselves just how life-changing and liberating it can be to know God through what we believe Jesus has done for them.
All of our groups, services and activities, in some way, are designed to help people do just that.
At Alderholt Chapel you will find a complete mix of people: men and women, young and old, families and singles – real people, with their own struggles and questions too. In short there’s a warm sense of community, understanding and joy.

So, please feel free to pop in to anything you find helpful, or why not join us one Sunday for our main meetings with their mix of contemporary and traditional music, relevant teaching from the Bible, and opportunity to meet with others from our community?

Being a church involves much more than just what happens on a Sunday, however…
 Sundays do give us time out from our busy lives to meet, worship God together, and hear what He has to say to us through His Word, the Bible. If you want to get a better feel for the church and how it ticks, or meet people from across the church community, our services are the place to come!
Sunday Service Times:
Morning Service – 10:30am (with kids groups and creche)
Evening Service – 6pm
Refreshments are served after our morning service, and from half an hour before our evening services.
Join us for a mix of contemporary and traditional songs, a community where all can belong, and relevant Bible teaching which helps set us up for the week ahead.
You’ll be most welcome!
If Sunday is an opportunity to meet all together to worship and hear God’s Word then our weekly study groups are the place where we apply it to life in a smaller gathering…
These groups are an integral part of our church’s life. We’d encourage anyone who’s serious about their faith to join one!
We meet on a Wednesday during term time. We also have a daytime group available for seniors called “Y-Cell”.
We’re a church of all ages, with groups that run for children and young people right through from age 0-18yrs…
Children and young people are well-catered for here at the Chapel!
We run our weekly Tiddlywinks group for parents and toddlers, and our Boys’ Brigade (with Girls’ Association) groups running from age 4 – 18.
During our Sunday morning services we run “Sparklers”,  “Lighthouse Club” and “Fusion” for ages 3 – 4, 5 – 10 and 11 – 14 respectively, and an annual summer holiday club up to school year 6.
All leaders and helpers at our under-18s groups are DBS checked, have received safeguarding training and are approved by the church leadership.
We hold a variety of activities and groups for adults and our local community to get involved with…
These activities are just one way we seek to help build community in our local area. 
We run a monthly Carers’ Cafe and Lunch Club (requires booking). We also host two Craft Club afternoons each month.
Periodically we also hold special events such as our Community Action Day, theatre and musical shows, our Big Community Giveaway (Foodbank donations at Harvest), Free Film afternoons in school holidays, and our ever popular Community Fireworks Night in November. See the What’s On page for more information about events coming up.


At the Chapel we have a dedicated team of staff, elders, deacons and other leaders who head up various aspects of the work here at Chapel. Below are our staff members. 
If you would like to get in touch about any aspect of the church’s ministry though, please use the Contact Form below. 
Ross Wilkinson
Ros Sinkinson
Youth & Community Leader
Claire Impett
Church Administrator
What is a church elder?
A church elder is a man called by God to be an overseer and shepherd. Elders should be known for their prayer life (1 Tim. 2:8) , modelling Christ-like service (Matt. 20:26-28 ; 1 Pet. 5:2) , and being practically responsible in their homes and workplace (1 Tim. 3:4-7). 
He will be elected by the congregation to work as part of a group of Elders who together teach, guard, guide, protect, and love the fellowship. An Elder will be able to teach from scripture and will ensure sound teaching in all the church does.
An elder will meet the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. He will pray for the congregation (Jas. 5:14) and will oversee the affairs of the church (1 Pet. 5:2). He will instruct all the congregation, strengthening the weak, guarding the vulnerable, rebuking the obstinate, and bearing with the difficult (2 Tim. 2:24-25; Acts 20:28; 1 Thess. 5:14). He will watch over the members of his church as one who will give an account to God (Heb. 13:17).

What Next?

To find out more about any of the above groups or clubs, click on the “Regular Activities” button below. 
You can also view our statement of faith and take a look at our FAQ’s page if you’d like to find out more. 
Our Contact Form and contact information are at the bottom of the page should you have further questions.



Discover more about the regular groups and activities we run…



Take a look at our church’s statement of faith…



Find answers to frequently asked questions…

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Contact Info

Address: 3-5 Hillbury Road, Alderholt, SP6 3BQ 

Phone: 01425 655155

Email: office@alderholtchapel.org 

Facebook Page:
Our location is also on the map below.
We have our own car park however at busy times (particularly Sunday morning) it will fill up. Nearby roads can be used, but please be mindful of local residents’ driveways when parking. 

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