We believe Christ has reconciled us both to God and to each other (Eph 2:11-22) and so church is not a place we go, rather a family we belong to.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of our (and every) church (Ephesians 1.22; 5.23; Colossians 1.18).
Under Christ, a plurality of Elders is the prescribed New Testament model of local church leadership.
Our Elders have oversight of the church family, being appointed by them to lead through the teaching and application of God’s word.

Ross is the ‘full-time’ Elder – aka Pastor. He joined Alderholt Chapel in 2022, is married to Hilary and has three young children.
You can email Ross at ross.wilkinson@alderholtchapel.org
Our Deacons are responsible for the practical running of the church.

L-R: Lyn, Wes, Paul, Philip, Martin
Staff Members
As a church we are also wonderfully served by those in other roles: